Are you one of these people who gives and gives continuously, and because you provide all the time, you find yourself in situations that feel draining? It could be a relationship, a family member, a friendship, or even a job. Whatever makes you unhappy, and if you are always the giver and you find yourself in situations like this, it is essential to remember that you can walk away.
Many of us think we have to spend our time and energy helping others; if you are assisting others all the time, have you ever just stopped and looked at why you feel the way you do? Why am I unhappy? Some of you want to show others, especially in relationships, that you are good enough for your partner, and the same in friendships. You want your friends to like you.
When you care and worry about what others think and say about you, you start living your life according to their expectations and not your own, so you are living a life in what they think you should, which is just so wrong. We all have the energy and soul to live according to ourselves.
It's a common trait for a lot of people to be there for others, especially for friends and family, we put them and their needs before our own, it is a good thing to help others, helping people can be quite a beautiful experience, yet at what cost to ourselves do we do this? It is of the utmost importance that we have time for ourselves, and I go one further always by putting myself first and then helping others if I want to, not because I think I have to or need to.
If you continue to give to others, then you may miss out on having enough time for yourself to grow and evolve. The desire to help others can be intense. Still, that desire to help may come from a part of you thinking that you are not good enough or some insecurity, so you do these acts of kindness or let others take advantage of you to show people how special you think you may be and of course that is only your ego, all the while neglecting your soul, your journey.
You think that by doing things for others, you are worthy of being a good person or for others to look at you as a good person, and you believe you could have an excellent social standing amongst friends. You may have a partner who says they (you) will do anything I ask of them in this marital relationship, or work colleagues, thinking they can give you all the extra work, knowing it will get done, and then say what an excellent job. Still, all they were doing was using you. Remember this to yourself: your worth can never be valued or judged by others. You are valuable precisely the way you are and only to you.
Wanting others to like us is natural; I was like this myself many years before, always doing for others in relationships, with friends, and with family; it feels good to be accepted (even then, when I was doing for others, I was not accepted) at the time I thought everyone loved me where all they were doing were using me, In my existence growing up I can never remember my parents saying to me once that they loved me, My Nan did and even some of my Aunties, but no not parents, and if they ever did I do not remember it.
If ever you think, why am I doing what I am doing for this person? If you do not like what you are doing just so they will like you, you must take a step back and reassess relationships, friends, and family. If they want you in their life to be accurate, then it will not matter what you do for them, if anything, as they will love you for who you are.
If you continue to do for others first, you may become servants to their opinions first; if you let this be your life, then you will live your life based on what we said earlier. You will live your life on how they think you should.
You will become what they say, their thoughts and desires are, and that is how you will live your life. Of course, this takes you so far from your path/journey in life as you will be adhering to them instead of living for what you truly want in this life according to your soul. If ever you feel that you are not being valued for what you are doing for others, and this is mainly in marital partnerships, I know you will come to a point, usually a breaking point, and you will need to walk away.
The only proper way to take back your power and then put and love yourself first is to walk away from the situation, be the strong woman/man, and say this is it. I am done, and be the fantastic person God put you here for. Yes, there will be the ones who will judge you, talk behind your back, and call you selfish, and this will come from those you thought loved you; just let it go and keep walking; you will be so glad you did. Doing this shows the love, respect, and how much you value you have for yourself; walking away and removing yourself from anyone who does not appreciate you will be the most significant step in your life.
When you have walked away, you will find that you can take control of your own life. You now have only one person to be kind to and care about, and that is you; your well-being is paramount to your journey in this life; you are now showing to the world what is acceptable in your life and what is not. As you journey through life, you will come across many different people; after setting boundaries for yourself, you will instantly know what a person is like, whether they are there to take advantage of you or to love you for who you are, never listen to anything outside your inner guidance (your soul) by doing this you will pick the other energies immediately.
The only one who deserves your time and attention 100% is you; live for you, yes you can have friends and partners, workmates, but by putting yourself first and walking away from others who had used you in the past, the ones that you now attract into your life will resonate on your level, your energy, they will be there for you if you need them and you for them, but this is only because you are the only one that matters in your life. You have turned your back and walked away from those who were only there for themselves in the first place and not for you.
In Love, Light, and Blessings.