If you want it get in the right space.

If you want it get in the right space.

Throughout our lives, we often find ourselves yearning for various desires, prompting us to turn to God, Buddha, the Angels, the Universe, or a higher source. We meticulously formulate plans, presenting our requests with intricate details, and then surrender them to the Universe.

However, being inherently human, we sometimes struggle to relinquish control and, instead, attempt to dictate to the Universe how our desires should manifest.

Consider the example of a commonly sought-after desire: money. Many individuals express a desire for wealth, believing it will grant them the ability to fulfil their wishes. When initiating the request, there is an initial surge of positivity.

Yet, suppose the money doesn't materialise within a specified timeframe. In that case, we often find ourselves instructing the Universe on the preferred method of obtaining it, frequently resorting to thoughts of winning the lottery. While some may indeed receive a significant lottery win, those successes often stem from aligning their beliefs, visualising the victory, and putting in the necessary mental work.

Renowned actor Jim Carrey provides a compelling illustration of manifestation. Years before his iconic role in "Dumb and Dumber," Carrey wrote a check to himself for $10,000,000, keeping it in his wallet and visualising the amount regularly. Unwavering in his belief, Carrey eventually secured a $10,000,000 payday for the mentioned movie. The key was his steadfast belief and immersion in the space of receiving.

This phenomenon extends beyond monetary desires. Take, for instance, the wish for a new car. To attract a new car, one must align themselves with the desired outcome. This involves asking for the car in the right manner, visualising every aspect of ownership, and maintaining constant thoughts about the new car. This mental groundwork creates the appropriate space for receiving the desired vehicle.

However, not everyone is willing to put in the necessary effort. Some may express a desire for a new car but neglect the requisite mental and emotional work. When the car fails to materialise, they may resort to instructing the Universe on how it should be done. This approach, marked by a lack of alignment with the desired outcome, diminishes the likelihood of manifestation.

The crux of this challenge lies in the Law of Attraction. If doubts about the Law of Attraction persist, fueled by the ego, we undermine our ability to manifest our desires. Telling the Universe how to deliver our wishes rarely yields success because, fundamentally, we are not in the requisite mental and emotional space. Without belief in the Law of Attraction, manifestation remains elusive.

To genuinely attract what we desire, we must believe in the Law of Attraction or believe in receiving what we asked for in the necessary way, ask for our desires, trust the process, and be prepared to receive. It might sound straightforward, yet the journey requires aligning our beliefs and surrendering to the Universe's mysterious and magical ways.

Ask, Believe and Receive.

Love, Light and Blessings 


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