Healing and Essential Oils.

Healing and Essential Oils.

As I navigate through life, a persistent question lingers in my mind—how can we truly know and trust the advice bestowed upon us by doctors for our general health? Is the information we receive genuinely in our best interest? The truth is, we often don't have concrete assurances. When our bodies signal that something isn't right, we seek medical advice, and the doctor diagnoses the issue. But what if, deep down, we sense the diagnosis is amiss?

Before rushing to a doctor, unless it's an emergency, I've learned to explore the reasons behind feeling off. Researching the potential causes empowers me to understand my body and make informed decisions. In many cases, addressing the root cause could be as simple as altering a thought pattern or life trait, rendering a doctor unnecessary.

However, the healthcare system often prescribes a pill for one issue, unwittingly causing side effects that lead to more prescriptions. It becomes a cycle of medications, each attempting to counteract the repercussions of the previous one. But should I really be taking any pills if I suspect a misdiagnosis or experience side effects? The societal conditioning to trust doctors can lead us to accept prescriptions unquestioningly.

In my opinion, the reliance on pills, especially when alternatives exist, is problematic. Society's narrative, perpetuated by the media, suggests that the only solution to illness is a doctor and a prescription. I challenge this norm, advocating for a return to self-awareness and listening to our bodies. Seeking a doctor's intervention should be a last resort, not the initial response.

In this quest for alternative healing, essential oils have become a beacon of natural wellness. Crafting blends tailored to individuals has yielded remarkable results without any side effects. Unlike prescription drugs that may mask symptoms, essential oils require a holistic approach—diagnosing the illness, identifying its cause, creating a personalised blend, and even addressing mindset and thought processes.

I recall a woman with a sore knee contemplating surgery. After researching the meaning behind her ailment and working on changing her thinking and a specific life pattern, coupled with a custom oil blend, her knee healed without surgery or side effects. This case is just one among many where a shift in mindset and essential oils proved effective.

When the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, people turned to essential oil blends to boost their immunity, experiencing significant improvements in a relatively short timeframe. It's heartening to witness an increasing number of individuals questioning mainstream practices and seeking natural alternatives, especially for life-threatening conditions.

The current societal paradigm encourages conformity, but more people are awakening to alternative therapies and treatments, questioning the status quo, and seeking genuine healing. While I can't predict when my time on this planet will end, I am committed to relying solely on natural treatments. If they fail me, so be it; it'll be my time to depart. However, a collective shift towards embracing natural therapies could potentially revolutionize healthcare and diminish the stronghold of pharmaceutical giants.

I urge everyone to explore alternative paths for their health's sake. Your soul will thank you for it.

Love, Light, and Blessings.


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